Day of Action, 10/2, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Capitol Complex
Press Conference, 10:30 a.m. at Fountain
Hearing, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. in East Wing
The People's Hearing on
Climate Change

In-Person, Recorded, and Read Testimony Submitted by People Across Pennsylvania
The People’s Hearing on Climate Change
East Wing, Capitol Building, Harrisburg,
October 2, 10:30 - 3
Information on Testifying
Below are the details on how to testify at the People’s Hearing on Climate Change on October 2 in Harrisburg. We hope you decide to participate after you read through the information we’ve provided. Please sign up using our form.
Testifying in Person
We will have a press conference at 10:30 a.m. at the fountain behind the Capitol on Commonwealth Ave. We will send more details about that when we get closer to the event.
At 11 a.m., the hearing will begin inside the Capitol in the East Wing where we installed the climate countdown clock last year. It’s very close to the entrance by the fountain, so it’s an easy walk.
An area nearby will be set up for press availability. Press kits will be on hand for reporters.
Testifying via Recording
People who would like to testify, but cannot attend in person, can submit video testimony that they record themselves and send to us or that they record during Zoom recording sessions we will hold next month.
Recorded testimony will be shown throughout the hearing.
Testifying via Written Testimony
People who cannot attend or record their testimony can submit written testimony that will be read on their behalf during the hearing.
Length of Testimony
We know how frustrating it is to be given 3 minutes to comment at a public hearing, so we’re doing things differently at the People’s Hearing! You can speak for up to twenty minutes. We encourage you to keep your comments shorter if you can so we can fit in everyone who would like to testify, but we understand if you need to use the full twenty minutes.
Submission of Copy of Written Testimony
We will be putting copies of everyone’s testimony on the website and linking to it in the press kit. In addition, we will be delivering copies of your testimony as part of a data dump we are planning for November as a follow up to the Convergence. We will be delivering public comments, complaints, LTEs, and other documents to make the point that people have been trying to tell their government for years that they are being harmed and are concerned about the future. We will provide a link where you can upload your file after you sign up.
Speaker Order
We will do our best to accommodate your requests to speak during a specific hour of the hearing, so if you need to arrive late or leave early, please let us know which hour you would prefer.
Use of Presentations/Posters/Other Visuals
We ask that you do not use PowerPoint presentations when you give your testimony unless you want to show images. You are welcome to bring posters. If you’d like to bring other visuals, like jugs of contaminated water, please clear it in advance with Capitol Police so your item is not confiscated when you enter the Capitol.
Please feel free to ask questions! You can email them to